March 30, 2013

Tandoori Chicken: On the Grill or in the Oven (Paleo, Dairy free)

Who's been waiting for this?

I teased you with this chicken long, long ago. But trust me, it's worth the wait. That is...if you don't run off after you look at the ingredient list. Yes, it's a long list. But it's mostly spices (I get some of these in bulk here.). Truthfully, this is not a throw-together dinner. This chicken will take planning and some time (mostly marinade time). You might want to try it out on your day off or the weekend. And make enough for leftovers. It's good cold too.  

Tandoori Chicken - Grill method (optional dairy free)

March 28, 2013

DIY Microdermabrasion with Baking Soda

While I'm working on the post for my chicken recipe, I figured I could share another quick DIY beauty recipe for you. This is another simple switch I made when I gave up store-bought products. But first, have you made ACV (apple cider vinegar) toner yet? If not...get on that. I'll wait.

I remember being at my sister's house and she was using one of those microdermabrasion kits -- you know the one that vibrates (that you use on your face). I actually used to own one myself. Since I had thrown out almost all of my beauty products (and I had an embarrassingly large amount of them), I'd been thinking about what to do about my acne scarring (none of those expensive products worked). My day to day acne was clearing up, but unfortunately after years of bad skin, it left it's mark behind. I knew that microdermabrasion was typically used to treat acne scarring (as well as wrinkles, discoloring, and sun damage). Usually this procedure is done by an esthetician or dermatologist with micro-fine abrasive crystals in order to remove the outer-most layer of dead skin cells. But it's not cheap. (Exfoliation is good for your skin even if you don't have acne scars.)

So, I started to research natural ways to do this at home.

At-Home Microdermabrasion with baking soda

The next day, I put baking soda on my face.

March 23, 2013

Homemade Roasted Banana Pudding with Gelatin: Two Ways (Paleo, Autoimmune protocol)

This dessert was completely unplanned. But I came across the pumpkin pudding recipe from Grass Fed Girl. I made it (and it was good) and had the desire to create a banana version. I couldn't be stopped. I will eat anything with bananas or banana flavors. Years ago, people knew about my love for all things banana and would send care packages with only the banana Laffy Taffys. I don't know who ate all of the other flavors. I've also been known to dig through a box of Runts just to pick out the banana ones. Now-a-days, I try to stick with less artificially-flavored banana products, like real bananas. (And like this banana soft serve. You've tried it, right?)

Banana Pudding: Two Ways (dairy/gluten-free, optional egg free)

March 16, 2013

Pan-fried Salmon with a Creamy Meyer Lemon Avocado Dressing (egg/dairy-free)

Since I did the Whole30® with autoimmune protocol which eliminates things like nuts, nightshades, and eggs, I've gained greater compassion for those that can't eat eggs. I've been enjoying finding new ways to eat certain foods without eggs, even though I am eating them again. And since I'm obsessed with avocado, it seems like the best option for replacing a creamy element, especially mayo (like in these salmon cakes and remoulade). So for a creamy dressing...well, why not?

Pan Fried Salmon with Creamy Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

March 15, 2013

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner

Once you make the switch to real food, inevitably you will start looking at your beauty products and checking the ingredients as you do with your food. Maybe you won't/haven't gone a little crazy like me and start tossing everything. Then you stare at your pile of moisturizer, wrinkle cream, toothpaste, plus all those extra products you never use and obviously never really needed, and you realize you can't wash your face or brush your teeth.

Luckily some of these things (like this body scrub) can be easily made from products you might just have in your kitchen. (Or ones that you should have in your kitchen. Hint. Hint.)

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner

March 6, 2013

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

Finally. I know I teased you for far too long. I really didn't think that many people cared about Brussels sprouts (Did you catch my rant about that "s" in Brussels sprout? Still can't say it.) But that molten brownie was worth it, right? Did you try it?

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

It took me a long time to come around and try Brussels sprouts as an adult. I don't know if I ate them as a kid, but if I did, I can guarantee they were boiled or some other way to make sprouts not-at-all appetizing. (No offense, Mom.) Oven or pan roasted is definitely the way to go when learning to love Brussels sprouts. I'm a big fan of roasting them in the oven. It's quick and easy and really hard to mess up. If you don't like Brussels sprouts -- though you can't say that until you've had them roasted and you've tried them at least 10 times -- then stick around and make the vinaigrette. It's great on a salad as well. (And yes, you can use a regular lemon.)

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